Diamond Core Drill Bit | 1 1/4″ | 430/82 mm (YT-60375) 73.55 
Hand Nut Tool M5, M6, M8, M10, M12 (YT-3612) 73.48 
1″ Muciņa, 130 mm (ES-25130) 73.44 
1/4″ Mini Reversible Air Drill / Composite (PA0101) 73.40 
Special Puller, extra long | 10 – 50 mm (7731) 73.36 
Prožektors LED gaismeklis 80W 6000LM COB (YT-81812) 73.25 
Pagarinātājs ar spoli | 25 m | 3 x 1.5 mm² | 4 Socket Outlets with Sealing Cap | IP 44 | 3500 W (3375) 73.12 
INSIDE PULLER 50-170mm (EF2135) 73.02 
Suction and Air Blow Gun | reversible | 9 pcs. (3292) 73.02 
Flexible Joint Pry Bar | 615 mm (6754) 73.02 
Brake Band Piston (B1) Assembly Tool Set for Mercedes Automatic Transmission 722.x (9323) 73.02 
Drive Shaft Muciņu komplekts | 27 – 36 mm | 8 pcs. (5335) 73.02 
Empty Metal Case for BGS 1210 (1210-LEER) 73.02 
Engine Timing Tool Set | Opel / Saab / Chevrolet (YT-06027) 73.01 
Gaisa pistole ar manometru (H1828L) 72.97 
Electric Wheel Wrench 800W/ 325NM (57091) 72.91 
IMPACT DRIVER 12V (78960) 72.79 
Karstā gaisa fēns 1600W 50-650C 2SPEED LCD ekrāns un atmiņas funkcija (YT-82296) 72.79 
Carbide rotary burrs set | 10 pc (SK1623) 72.74 
Instrumentu komplekts ar akumulatora skrūvgriezi | 100.gab (YT-12685) 72.58 
Set of forstner drill bits and drill bits for knots | 15-35 mm | 10 pcs. (YT-33837) 72.36 
Pneumatic Drill 1,5 – 10 mm, 1 800 aps/min., (YT-0970) 72.36 
Gumijas paliktnis – starplika | auto pacēlājam – domkratam | 160 x 120 x 120 mm (6482) 72.18